by Joel Baldwin | Mar 9, 2022 | Patient Relationship Management
If you called a patient to confirm their appointment, but no one answered, and you ended up leaving a voicemail message, where should you document this in Dentrix Ascend? While you may not have spoken to the patient directly, it’s important to keep a record that...
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by Joel Baldwin | Jan 20, 2021 | Patient Record Management
It is common for families to schedule dental appointments for multiple children to be seen on the same day. With today’s information overload, your patients will appreciate Dentrix Ascend’s streamlined reminder feature for same-day family appointments. If you’ve...
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by Joel Baldwin | Jul 17, 2019 | Schedule Optimization
July 17, 2019 Two important goals of a growing dental practice should be to increase appointment attendance and maintain patient loyalty. One of the best ways to accomplish these goals is to keep in touch using patient-preferred communication technologies such as text...
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