It is common for families to schedule dental appointments for multiple children to be seen on the same day. With today’s information overload, your patients will appreciate Dentrix Ascend’s streamlined reminder feature for same-day family appointments. If you’ve set up the family correctly, they’ll get just one reminder for the entire family appointment block, instead of one for each person individually.
This feature is based on the primary contact. Any patients that share the same primary contact and have an appointment on the same day and in the same location are aggregated together so that one text or email message will be sent to the primary contact. The message includes information about each scheduled appointment when delivered by email, or about the first or earliest appointment when delivered in a text message.

If you did not assign children to a parent as a primary contact when you first added a new household, use this method to assign them to a common primary contact.
How to:
- On the Patient menu, click Patient Information to look up the child’s patient record and open his or her Related Patients tab.
- Click the pencil icon (edit) next to their name. Search for and select the parent (primary contact). The Household information is updated automatically to show everyone currently in the same household as the primary contact.
- Repeat this process for each member of the family who is not currently listed in the household.

Additional Information
- If you have a husband and wife in a household who each want to receive their own text reminders, set up both the husband and wife to be their own primary contact.
- For more information, watch Defining the Primary Contact and Primary Guarantor in the Resource Center.
- If you are adding records for a new family, watch Adding a New Household or Adding a New Patient to an Existing Household to learn the easiest method for you.