How to Identify Treatment Locations on Billing Statements

August 19, 2020 If you have multiple locations, you will want your printed and electronic statements to show where your patients’ services were rendered. This is helpful because procedures can be rendered in many locations for patients sharing a single guarantor...

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Including a Form Link with Your Appointment Reminders

Wouldn’t it be great if all your patients came to their appointments with all their forms filled out? While we really don’t expect that to happen, you can increase the chance that patients will come in with their forms filled out by including an invitation to complete...

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Show Only Working Providers

July 9, 2020 Have you ever gone to add an appointment to the schedule, only to find yourself unsure if the provider is scheduled to work that day? Dentrix Ascend helps remove uncertainty by providing an option to view only the providers working on a given day. This...

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Prioritizing Planned Treatment

April 29, 2020 There will be times when you have to fill significant gaps in your schedule. Maybe it’s during a slow month or after the government lifts the restrictions due to COVID-19. Rather than attacking your patient list at random, we recommend starting...

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