How AI Helps Providers Chairside in Dentistry Today – Part 2 

In the article How AI Helps Providers Chairside in Dentistry Today – Part 1, we discussed how artificial intelligence supports providers in diagnosing and decision-making, but did you know that artificial intelligence can also increase your treatment plan case...

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How AI Helps Providers Chairside in Dentistry Today – Part 1

Artificial intelligence applications can help you in diagnosing, decision-making, treatment planning, and predicting treatment outcomes. Among these applications, using artificial intelligence as a supplemental tool to support diagnosis is becoming one of the most...

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Dentrix Ascend Detect AI—Artificial Intelligence for Next-Level Patient Care

When it comes to caries or bone loss, it can be hard to explain or to show a patient the areas of concern during an exam. As a busy practitioner, you’ve put in the time, schooling, and practice to read X-rays and have become good at it! But this knowledge and...

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Acquiring an Image from the Patient Chart and Quick Exam

It’s Monday morning and your schedule is already full, but you are seeing an emergency patient with a toothache. We understand that every minute counts when you are pressed for time. Did you know that you can acquire an image directly from the patient Chart or Quick...

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