April 8, 2020
Online Booking is a great way to boost your bottom line. You allow patients the convenience to schedule themselves at any time, based on the schedule and the providers you choose. But what happens when you decide to change your office hours? You configure Online Booking separately from your office hours, and that configuration does not recognize when you decide to move to new extended or reduced hours. When that happens, you also need to adjust your Online Booking. Configurations are on a per-location basis.
How to:
1. Open the Schedule Template page (under Settings).
2. You configure Online Booking on a per-operatory basis, so you need to review each operatory one by one. Not all operatories may be configured for Online Booking; the easy way to tell is, there are days (M T W, etc.) listed next to the operatory name.
3. In the Operatory menu, click an operatory name to see its current configuration. Look to see which templates are outside of the office hours—they lie over the grayed-out hours of the schedule.
4. Click to open a template that needs to be changed or deleted. The Time Slot dialog box opens.
5. Your choices are to delete the time slot, adjust the Day of Week, or adjust the Available time range. Clicking Delete prompts you to confirm the deletion.
NOTE: Changes to your Online Booking configuration may take up to 24 hours to take effect.
Additional Information
- You must have the Review Location Information and Manage Location Information rights to manage time blocks for scheduling templates.
- Keep in mind when you employ Online Booking that the platform does not push out notifications when someone schedules an appointment. To see new Online Booking appointments, a team member must have the Calendar open and/or periodically visit the Appointments Booked Online Report.
- When a provider who is commonly available for appointments booked online needs to be made unavailable on a specific day, follow the steps outlined in Temporarily Hiding a Provider from Online Booking.
- To learn more, read Editing the time blocks of a scheduling template in the Resource Center.