Did you know that you don’t have to keep clicking the refresh button with every update to your analysis power report? Using the auto-refresh icon automatically refreshes the report so you can get the results you want to see immediately.
How to:
- Click the auto-refresh icon before you make changes to the power report.
Before you click the auto-refresh icon, a red border appears around the icon.
After you click the auto-refresh icon, the red border around the icon disappears.
- Make your changes to the report.
The report automatically refreshes after each change.
Additional Information
- Auto-refresh is especially useful when you want to make one change at a time and see the effect. If you are making many changes, you will want to turn the auto-refresh off and then have all the changes take effect all at once.
- To learn more about using Power Reports, visit the Power Reporting course in the Dentrix Ascend Academy.
- Watch the Production, Collection, and Growth: How Did You Do Last Year? webinar to learn which reports can help you evaluate your production, collection, and practice growth for last year and come up with a plan for the coming year.