Images allow the doctor to view a tooth and the surrounding structures and to effectively diagnose a condition. Dentrix Ascend has three image enhancement options you can use to enhance your images: the entire image enhancement for general procedures, the perio enhancement for periodontal procedures, and the endo enhancement for endodontic procedures. You can select the enhancement when you are acquiring images or after you acquire images.
How to:
Using the enhancements feature when you are acquiring images
When you begin acquiring patient images, the Apply Enhancement feature is located on the acquisition panel.
- Click Proceed with Acquisition.
- From the Apply Enhancement list, select the enhancement option that corresponds to the anatomical structures that you want to enhance in the X-ray. There are three enhancement options: Entire image, For Perio, and For Endo. By default, the Entire Image.
Using the enhancement feature after acquiring the image
The Image Navigator opens after images are acquired. The Enhance list is located on the Tools tab.
- For a series/set of images, select the image that you want to enhance.
- From the Enhance list, select the option that corresponds to the anatomical structures that you want to enhance in the X-ray.
What the enhancements look like when applied
Not Enhanced: The teeth and surrounding structures are fuzzy, blurry, or foggy.
Entire Image Enhancement: Balances the sharpness and contrast of the image.
Perio Enhancement: Accentuates the subtle differences in the grayscale values of periodontal conditions.
Endo Enhancement: Adds a higher level of sharpening and contrast and a gray level adjustment to accentuate endodontic conditions. You may want to use this enhancement, for example, to help you see the position of an endodontic file in relation to the root of a tooth when you are doing a root canal.
To turn the image enhancements on or off during the exam or after the exam, you can click the Enhancement button on the toolbar of the image viewing area.
If the enhancement is turned off, the button is gray.
If the enhancement is turned on, the button is orange.
Additional Information
- To learn more about imaging tools, read Processing images in the Dentrix Ascend Resource Center.
- To learn about additional enhancement options, read Setting up the acquisition agent in the Dentrix Ascend Resource Center.