Good clinical notation is part of good clinical care for your patients. Having a complete record not only helps you but is helpful for your patients’ safety. Save time completing your clinical notes by using the helpful templates available in Dentrix Ascend.
Clinical note templates provide an efficient way to chart common procedures. There are preloaded clinical note templates for common procedures, such as a soft-tissue exam or anesthetic for a specific tooth. If you are charting a filling, an extraction, or even just a checkup, you can create your own custom template that includes your organization’s preferred notation workflow.
How to use a clinical note template:
- After selecting a patient and navigating to any tab in the clinical area, click the Clinical Notes button.

- In the Add Clinical Note window, expand the selections on the Templates tab to locate the appropriate clinical note template.

- Click the template to open it, and then start answering the questions it presents. All templates are a series of questions or prompts that you answer either by selecting a checkbox or radio button or by typing a response. Click Next to move your way through the questions.

- When you come to the last prompt, click Done to post the template content into the clinical note. Then, click Save to save the note.

Additional Information
- After you have finished answering the questions in a template, you can still edit the text of the clinical note to make changes or additions as needed. The note is editable up until you sign it.
- The template includes a Save Progress note option so you can save your work to that point and then come back to it later.
- For more information on using a template to enter a clinical note, read Entering clinical notes from templates.
To increase your understanding of clinical note templates, watch the webinar Improve Efficiency and Consistency with Clinical Note Templates in Dentrix Ascend on demand in the Dentrix Ascend Resource Center. Click here to open the article.