Because money is a big deal to everyone involved, it’s important to keep good notes specific to the finances of a patient or guarantor. You can record information about payment arrangements, provide reasons for additional charges or adjustments made on a patient account, and document terms and agreements made about an overdue balance. All related patients share the same account notes. You view these notes in the Ledger.
To add a note to a patient account:
- Open the Ledger for the patient or guarantor.
- Click the Account Note icon to open the Account Note window.
- Optionally, use the Insert Date button to automatically add today’s date to your note. Enter your notes, and then click Save.
The account note is also available from the Ledger box on a patient’s Overview page. You can preview the note by positioning your pointer over the Account Note icon.
Additional Information
- The Account Note icon changes color from gray to blue when a note is present.
- You can access and change the note as needed from this patient’s record, the record of this patient’s primary guarantor, or the record of any patient who has the same primary guarantor as this patient.
- For more information, see Viewing and editing account notes in the Dentrix Ascend Resource Center.