Did you know that the phone number that shows up on your text messages is not the practice phone number? 

Many practices rely on text messages to confirm appointments and send forms and reminders to patients. However, unless your patients recognize your practice’s text message number, they could easily ignore or block your number. You need to communicate your text messaging number to your patients. To do this, you need to know where to find your text messaging number in Dentrix Ascend, so you can conveniently and effectively communicate with your patients. 

The Text Messages information icon on the Patient information page allows you to see your location’s text messaging number if you are asked by patients to confirm it.

How to:

1. Enter a patient’s name in the Patient Search box, and open the patient information page (Patient > Patient information).

2. Select the Preferences tab.

3. Locate Text Messages, and click the Information icon.

The Notes section includes the messaging number for your location.

Additional Information

  • The 10-digit phone number shown on the message sent out from Dentrix Ascend is location-specific and is for text messaging only. This number is not the practice phone number, and you cannot change it.
  • Currently, this implementation of two-way texting cannot send or receive images, including emojis. It is strictly limited to text.
  • To learn more about two-way text messaging, watch Two-Way Text Messaging in the Resource Center.