September 17, 2020

Has COVID-19 hindered your 2020 goals?

The best goals are always met with opposition. They stretch you and give you opportunities to improve. Sometimes, due to unforeseen circumstances, you must put your goals aside to focus on your present situation. This is not a bad thing, nor is it a reflection on your ability to set and achieve worthwhile goals. It is, however, an excellent opportunity to reflect, adjust your goals, and restart on the course to achieving your goals.  Your new year doesn’t have to start on January 1; you can start your personal new year today. Choosing to reset today will not just get you through 2020 but will help you start 2021 stronger than ever.

“Stick to the task till it sticks to you. Beginners are many, but enders are few.” — Thomas Monson

Remember that team meeting where you set your personal and professional goals as you were entering 2020 with the vision of great things to come? Pull out your specific goals; have you accomplished them yet? If not, don’t worry. Start today! With the new normal, many resolutions were put on the back burner. Get your team together and refocus on what’s important. Whether your goals were to increase production, generate more referrals, or have more time to yourself, they are still attainable.

Prioritizing your goals is key to your success. Start with some small attainable goals that will keep you moving ahead. Check them off your list to keep you motivated. You’ve got this! Refocus on your team, and let them know that you are all in this together.

“The only thing that’s worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.” — Helen Keller

Keep your vision statement in the forefront of your daily routines. As you revisit your goals, read your vision statement. Are you on track? Understandably, with all the changes and while focusing on your new protocols, you may have begun to veer of course. A vision statement will help define your practice goals and give everyone on your team something to work towards in the future. Consider updating your vision statement every few years. If you have not already done so, you may benefit from taking this time to rewrite yours. This is an excellent team-building exercise that pulls everyone back together to evaluate where you are today, where you want to be, and how you plan to achieve these goals.

When setting goals, be specific:

  • What do you want?
  • When do you want it done?
  • What are you willing to give up while attaining these goals?

When writing your goals, think of the “SMART” method: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. These five characteristics will ensure that the goal is reachable and beneficial.

When you write down and look at these goals, you should ask yourself these questions:

  1. Are they achievable?
  2. Do I want to do what’s necessary to accomplish them?
  3. Why is achieving these goals important to me, my patients, and my team?

“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.” — Henry Ford

Each team member will bring something unique to your practice, so each will have unique practice goals. Ask “Why is this important to you?” “How can we help you achieve this?” Working together, especially during these “new normal” times, is key to creating a powerful office environment.

After revisiting your goals and updating them as needed, post your team’s practice goals. Keep these out in the open to ensure that team members are helping each other become successful. Check off goals as you complete them. Own your goals. Do not be afraid to ask for help to achieve them. Have fun while helping others with their visions for a better future. You are all on the same team and want to see each other be successful. Motivation is vital to see everyone’s greatest potential. Write it down and push forward to be a better you.

Ronda Borgman, Certified Dentrix Ascend Trainer
Ronda is dental practice team leader, business coach, and speaker with over 30 years’ experience. As a certified Dentrix trainer she was named Trainer of the Year and earned the Dentrix Ascend Spirit award. She has developed and implemented successful systems that improve workflow and the bottom line for Dentrix Ascend practices across the US.