April 15, 2020
There may come a time when providers and staff members temporarily or permanently leave your organization. Knowing how to change their status is essential. You cannot delete a user account once it has been created in Dentrix Ascend. What you must do is inactivate the user account of a provider or staff member who no longer works for your organization. Once inactivated, a provider or staff member cannot log in, and his or her name no longer appears wherever providers are selected. All hours of availability for online booking for an inactive provider are also deleted. Lastly, when you inactivate a provider, the assigned fee schedule is removed from that user account.
How to:
- On the Settings menu, under Location, click (or tap) User Accounts.
The User Accounts page opens. - Select a user account, or use the Search box to search for a user account by the user’s last name, first name, user name, or email address. As you type your search criteria, the list of matching user accounts is updated automatically.
- Set the Active switch to No and click (or tap) Save.
- If the user account is for a provider, the Inactivate Provider dialog box appears. For each area of Dentrix Ascend listed, select a replacement provider or [None] as applicable.
To quickly select the same provider for all areas, select a provider for the first area, and then click (or tap) Apply To All. When finished, click (or tap) Inactivate.
Additional Information
- You can view inactive user accounts in the User Accounts page by setting the Include Inactive switch to On.
- To inactivate a primary provider, there must be at least one other active primary provider.
- When you inactivate a user account, Dentrix Ascend automatically sends an email message to that user.
- To learn more about inactivating staff members, read Inactivating user accounts in the Resource Center.
- To learn more about inactivating providers, read Inactivating providers in the Resource Center.