Did you know that running an outstanding claims report is one way you can improve the cash flow in your dental practice? Collecting money is a must for your practice to be successful. The Outstanding Claims Report displays aged claims for payers who owe you money. Running an Outstanding Claims Report lets you know where your office stands so that you can follow up with the insurance carriers.
How to:
On the Home menu, under Insurance, click (or tap) Outstanding Claims. The Outstanding Claims page opens.
On the Outstanding Claims page, apply filters to create the report you’re looking for. For example, you can filter the report by Date (As of) or by Period.
As of: Keep the current date selected, or enter a different date. The report includes outstanding claims up to the specified date. Period: Select a period: All (0-15 days), Over 15 (16-30 days), Over 30 (31-45 days), Over 45 (46-60 days), or Over 60 (61+ days). The aged totals are calculated up to the current date or for the selected age of the claims.
Click (or tap) Search.
If you want to save, share, or work more with this report, the easiest thing to do is to print it. To print the report, click (or tap) Print.
You can click (or tap) the name of a subscriber in the Subscriber column to open the corresponding patient’s Ledger page in a new browser tab or window.
You can click (or tap) the name of a patient in the Patient column to open the corresponding patient’s Ledger page.
You can click the hyperlinked name of an insurance carrier in the Insurance Carrier column to open the carrier’s website, if it has been configured in the carrier’s record in Ascend.
The service date of the procedures on a claim determines if a claim is outstanding as of the specified date and also determines the aged totals.
To include outstanding claims for any insurance carrier on the report, leave All selected on the Carrier list. To filter the report to include outstanding claims for a specific insurance carrier, select that insurance carrier from the list.
When you select a specific insurance carrier from the Carrier list, the Plan list is available. To include outstanding claims for any plan under the selected insurance carrier on the report, leave All selected on the Plan list. To filter the report to include outstanding claims for a specific plan under the selected insurance carrier, select that plan from the list.