March 04, 2020
Occasionally you may find a procedure that was incorrectly posted with a zero amount. Until you can track down the source of the problem in your fee schedule configuration, it may be expedient to just enter the correct amount if you know it. For your protection—and the patient’s—you probably don’t want to grant just anyone the ability to edit procedure amounts. To assist you, Dentrix Ascend includes a security right that allows team members to correct a posted procedure amount when the amount is zero but does not allow the editing of a non-zero amount.
You must have administrator rights (be able to edit user roles) in order to implement this feature.
How to:
1. Open the user role you want to assign the edit zero amount right to (Settings > User Roles > role name).

2. Expand the Patient Procedures section. Select the Edit patient procedure check box. Clear the Edit patient procedure amount check box if it is checked and select the Edit patient procedure zero amount check box.

From this point forward, when the employee encounters a procedure with a zero amount that they need to correct, they will be able to make that edit.

If the procedure amount is anything other than zero, they cannot edit the amount.

Additional Information
- You cannot assign the Edit patient procedure amount and Edit patient procedure zero amount rights at the same time. The user role—if you allow procedure amount editing at all—will allow the editing of any amount or only a zero amount.
- For more information, see Editing procedures.