November 28, 2018
There are millions of Americans without dental insurance, and some of them are your patients. People without insurance are more likely to skip regular preventive care or avoid coming in at all until they have a truly painful or dangerous oral health issue. Because of this, many practices elect to provide discounted care, payment plans, or other financial arrangements to these patients. If yours is one of those practices, you may want to reach out to your uninsured patients to let them know what you have to offer them. How to do this effectively? One way to start is by generating a list of your patients without insurance.
How to:
- Open the Patient List. Navigate from Home > Power Reporting > Patient > Patient List. Be patient while it opens.
- Click Toggle Edit to start. Click the Filter icon (funnel). From the Available Fields panel, under Patient Primary Ins Plan drag Pat. Prim. Carrier to the filter area.
- In the Filter on Pat. Prim. Carrier window that appears, you want to set the filter to look for instances where an insurance carrier does not exist (that data field is empty). The database term for this is “null.” From the dropdown field where you see “Exactly matches,” select “Is null,” and click OK.
- The filtered report is a list of your patients without insurance. Click the Export icon (block with down arrow), and select your favorite file format in which to save the patient list. Use the Save As dialog box that opens to give the file a name and a location.
- To save your customized report as a template for later use, click Save. In the Save Report dialog box that opens, type a name for the report, select whether you want to save the report as one of your reports (available only to you) or as an organization report (available to all users), and then click OK.
Additional Information
- You can add more filters to the report, for example, by using the Location field to see the uninsured patients only for a specific office or the Status field to include only active patients.
- For more information, read Patient List Report.