No matter what you implement to attract new patients into your practice, you will want to make sure you track it in your Dentrix Ascend software, so you have statistics on how the marketing campaign performs. Part 1 of this set talked about how to add referral sources to Dentrix Ascend. Here in Part 2 we’ll look at how to get the numbers.
To generate the Production by Referral Source report:
- From the Home menu click Power Reporting. In the Financial section click Production by Referral Source.
- Modify the filters to shape the report to your liking. For example, to limit the scope of the report to the last three months (instead of the default 12 months), click the edit icon (pencil) next to the Month In the Filter on Month dialog box, change the time period value to Previous 3 Month, and click OK.
Note: After any edit to the report, you will see a warning message. Simply click the Refresh Report button to acknowledge that you changed it on purpose, and see the effect of your change.
- Optionally, add more data fields to the report. To do so, click the Add more fields icon to reveal the fields available. Click and drag a field name and drop it in the Layout section. Refresh your report to see the effect. If you don’t like it, click the drop-down arrow on the field name and select Remove from Report.
- Export the report to share what you’ve learned. Click the down arrow next to the More Actions icon, hover over the Export menu item, and select your preferred file type. Make selections in the dialog box that follows to complete the export.
- Optionally, save the modified report, so you can easily reuse it later. Click Save in the upper-right corner, give your report a descriptive name, and choose whether this version will be visible only to you (Save to My Reports) or to everyone who has rights to generate financial reports (Save to Organization Reports).
Additional Information
- There is no specific time frame recommended for this report. It depends on the campaign you are running. For example, if you were running an ad for one quarter, you might want to track the new patient production attributed that source through the two quarters that follow the end of the campaign.
- To see detailed information about the production activity of patients attributed to a given referral source, click the hyperlinked number in the # of Patients Referred column to open a “drill-through” pop-up.
- To learn more about generating the Production by Referral Source report, read Production by Referral Source.