It’s great to have long-time patients who are loyal to your practice. But let’s be honest, when working in the Ledger for these patients, it can be time-consuming to find the most recent transactions. While scrolling through dozens of line items for one of these long-time patients, you may start wishing for a new patient Ledger with only a couple entries.
Dentrix Ascend is here to help! Keep reading to find out about two features that will help you quickly find recent transactions—even when working in the Ledger for a patient with an extensive history.
Auto Scroll to Recent Transactions
The first feature is available when you sort the Ledger by statement. This feature allows you to see the most recent transaction right when you open the Ledger.
In the Ledger, click the View menu, and set the transaction list to Sort by Statement. Then, toggle the Auto-scroll to recent transactions switcher to Yes.

Now, each time you open the Ledger, Dentrix Ascend will automatically scroll to the most recent transaction date.

Transaction Date Sorting Order
The second feature is available when you sort the Ledger by transaction date. This feature lets you customize the sorting order of the Transaction Date column.
In the Ledger, click the View menu, and set the transaction list to Sort by Transaction date.

In the transaction date view, you can change the sorting order of the Transaction Date column from oldest to newest or newest to oldest by clicking the column header. This means that you can choose whether you want the most recent transactions at the top or the bottom of the Ledger.

Dentrix Ascend remembers the sorting order that you select and automatically sorts the Transaction Date column according to that order the next time you visit the Ledger.
Additional Information
- The Auto-scroll to recent transactions switcher is switched to Yes by default, but you may switch it off according to your preference.
- The transaction date view allows you to sort by any of the ledger columns, but only the sorting order of the Transaction Date column is remembered.