When you are trying to determine the value of a given insurance plan, or trying to decide whether to become or to remain a preferred provider for a plan, use the Patient Insurance report to identify the names and total number of active patients currently associated with various insurance plans.

To generate the Patient Insurance report:

  1. Click Home > Power Reporting.
  2. Click the Insurance category link and then click the Patient Insurance report icon.

  1. In the Available Fields column scroll down to the Insurance group. Click the drop-down arrow next to Insurance Carrier, and click Filter.

  1. Type the first few letters of the insurance carrier you want in the Find field, and then select it in the list below. Then click the > arrow to add the carrier to the Currently Included list, and click OK.

  1. Click the Settings icon, choose the Export option, and select the output format to use for the report.

Additional Information

  • “Currently included” is the default setting of the carrier filter. Note that you can flip the search criteria by selecting Excludes from the drop-down, or by searching for or excluding specific text (“strings”).
  • To learn more about saving custom reports, read Using the analysis report builder in the Dentrix Ascend Help Center.